Friday miscellany: Long summer + summer fun list update
I just read through my summer fun list from late May. Thinking about honeysuckle and picking strawberries reminds me of how long ago that was. …Read More
I just read through my summer fun list from late May. Thinking about honeysuckle and picking strawberries reminds me of how long ago that was. …Read More
The Tranquility by Tuesday project featured 9 time management rules. So, unsurprisingly, the Tranquility by Tuesday book is going to feature 9 chapters. I just …Read More
We're gearing up for another school year — the third one that will be affected by the pandemic. A cursory check of social media reveals …Read More
We spent the past week at the New Jersey shore, in Ocean Grove, the same small town we always visit. We have now been there …Read More
While most adults aren't going back to school this fall, many of us are adjusting to new work schedules, and new work styles too. It's …Read More
One of my goals for the summer was to do "Mommy Days" with all four big kids. This would be a one-on-one day doing something …Read More
After some recent Best of Both Worlds episodes that may have involved, well, complaining, Sarah and I decided to devote an episode to all good …Read More
Much productivity literature wrestles with the question of what to do with incoming "stuff." A task appears. What do you do? There are various systems, …Read More
Yes, we are still in August. But the planning wheels are in motion around here. In particular, I'm pondering the family's late summer schedule. Everyone …Read More
Longtime readers know that this year I've instituted what I call my "rituals." Each day, I read a chapter in War and Peace (with the …Read More