Category Archives: Time Management
30 minute meals plus this week’s content
School is out! Two kids finished on Tuesday and two kids finished on Wednesday (the little guy has been done for a week). My husband …Read More
Let your ideas ripen
Over the past week I read Scott H. Young’s new book, Get Better at Anything. This book is about various strategies for learning and improving …Read More
iPhone fun
I had various ideas of what I intended to get through on Monday morning while the 4-year-old was at preschool. But when I attempted to …Read More
May: What a month…
I suppose it's the convention to say "how is it the end of May already?" but this month has been full of memories...and as such …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Raising financial grown-ups with Bobbi Rebell
When did you become a "financial grown-up?" There are lots of potential markers (opening a retirement account...buying a house...negotiating a raise...) but most of us …Read More
Q1 to Q2, sonnet, etc.
I find it fascinating how travel (and novelty in general) changes the experience of time. When I drove my 16-year-old to school Monday morning, I …Read More
Miles to go before I sleep…
I seem to have lost my voice. I can croak out a few words, but this is always a reminder to me of why I …Read More
A(nother) blog post four years in the making…
This blog has been around for a while, which means that I've likely blogged on Leap Day 2020, 2016, 2012, and quite possibly 2008 (though …Read More
What’s going on around here…
I guess it has been a week since I did a “real” blog post. It might be another week before I do a real one …Read More