Best of Both Worlds podcast: Travel tips – skiing, international travel, and more
Sarah and I just took reasonably adventurous trips with our big(ger) kids over Christmas break. So in this week's episode of Best of Both Worlds, …Read More
Sarah and I just took reasonably adventurous trips with our big(ger) kids over Christmas break. So in this week's episode of Best of Both Worlds, …Read More
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Time Tracking Challenge over the last week! I hope you found it interesting and possibly enlightening. I don't add …Read More
If you stuck with the Time Tracking Challenge this far, congratulations! You've almost made it. Just get yourself to 5 a.m. tomorrow -- perhaps with …Read More
It was 8 years ago tonight that I woke with a start and had a sudden realization that I was... in labor. One would think, …Read More
I know from long experience that many earnest time trackers fall off the wagon on the weekend. There are good reasons for this. You might …Read More
If you've read Tranquility by Tuesday, you know that I aim to do three things on Fridays. I plan my upcoming week (and revisit the …Read More
Happy Thursday! As we come to the mid-way point of the time-tracking week, I hope everyone who is playing along is getting some useful insights …Read More
If you're playing along with the 2023 Time Tracking Challenge, I hope Day #3 went well! Fun fact: Wednesday is not the middle of the …Read More
We interrupt this week's time tracking posts with a podcast post! Lots of folks resolve to get more organized in the new year. If that's …Read More
Well, it wasn't the world's most tranquil Tuesday, but it wasn't bad. After hitting "publish" earlier today, I did a bit more work, then ran …Read More