Home Ownership: Yes or No?
As long time readers of this blog know, my family has been renting an apartment in NYC for the past 2.5 years. My husband bought …Read More
As long time readers of this blog know, my family has been renting an apartment in NYC for the past 2.5 years. My husband bought …Read More
How do we construct our cultural narratives? One way, it seems, is that we look at data points in our own lives, then cast about for …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I have two posts, one on avoiding all-or-nothing thinking, and the other is a Q&A with Paula Szuchman, one of …Read More
I see from Google Analytics that we have a few new folks visiting us this week. If you're new here, I write a lot about …Read More
If anyone reading this lives in New York City, I'm singing in a performance of the Brahms Requiem at Symphony Space on Friday night. Please …Read More
Everyone knows that kids are expensive. Every year, the US Department of Agriculture publishes some high number, like $222,360, and says this is the cost …Read More
We have a lot more free time than we think. Even very busy people have favorite TV shows, or make time for Facebook, Twitter, personal …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I take issue with the annual Fortune list of best places to work, and other such lists. A big problem? …Read More
Over at the New York Times' Motherlode blog, Lisa Belkin posted this week about "Free Time For Parents." Apparently, over in the UK, a supermarket …Read More
After talking with my BNET editor yesterday, I've been mulling a series called "My Best Idea(s)." The concept would be to interview various folks about …Read More