Bang for your buck? Or buck for your bang?
(From Laura: I am on the road again this week. Today I'm delighted to welcome Heather Allard as a guest poster. She may be best …Read More
(From Laura: I am on the road again this week. Today I'm delighted to welcome Heather Allard as a guest poster. She may be best …Read More
Since writing 168 Hours, I've had to hone my message into talking points. One that has gotten a surprising amount of pick-up is the "rule …Read More
When I started writing about the changing ways Americans spent their time a few years ago, I ordered boxes full of old Good Housekeeping magazines. …Read More
Over at Money Saving Mom, Crystal is doing a great series on time management, which (brag alert!) features 168 Hours. Earlier this week, she posted …Read More
This morning, as I usually do on election day, I spent a few moments in my local polling place. I rather like exercising this civic …Read More
Researchers have been studying happiness rather seriously over the past few decades, and one of the truisms of this field is that experiences make us …Read More
I'm finally home from several speeches in Pittsburgh and Cleveland. One of my usual lines in these talks is to tell people not to multitask. …Read More
Just a quick post, as I am on the road this week, with speeches in Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Since I live in New York City, …Read More
(This article is running currently at, the website of New York's Vocal Area Network. In 168 Hours, I talk a lot about my choir, …Read More
(Today's guest post comes from Nancy Rielle, who logged her time as part of the 168 Hours Challenge in September. We met over lunch a …Read More