Friday miscellany: Christmas memories and the holiday fun list
This wound up being a very exciting holiday vacation! I'm still tracking my time in half-hour blocks -- as I have since April 2015 -- …Read More
This wound up being a very exciting holiday vacation! I'm still tracking my time in half-hour blocks -- as I have since April 2015 -- …Read More
Lots of people resolve to spend their time better in the new year. Whether it's about building a morning routine, adding in more margin, or …Read More
Another Tuesday, another podcast episode, but since it's New Year's Eve, we knew we had to talk 2020 goals! In this (short!) episode, Sarah and …Read More
I hope everyone who is celebrating the holidays had a merry week. We are hanging in there. Christmas itself went decently. The kids performed in …Read More
It's Tuesday, which means it's time for another episode of Best of Both Worlds, even if many people are switched up from their usual schedules. …Read More
I'm mostly off this week, but thought I'd stop by for a quick post since I'm awake and no one else in my household is. …Read More
I am done with the Christmas shopping! Almost everything is wrapped. I feel pretty happy with what has been purchased — like I hit a …Read More
There's a saying out there that "you can't be what you can't see." While that's not entirely true (someone has to be first!) it is …Read More
My husband and I took a quick, kid-free trip to NYC this weekend. We ran out the clock on any sort of elaborate baby moon …Read More