What is 168 Hours about?
We all need a good story, and so I've been pondering the pitch for 168 Hours (Portfolio, 2010). Here's what I hope you'll get out …Read More
We all need a good story, and so I've been pondering the pitch for 168 Hours (Portfolio, 2010). Here's what I hope you'll get out …Read More
This is a version of a piece I wrote last June for USA Today; I've updated to take into account more issues raised in 168 …Read More
While perusing Real Simple the other day, I came across an ad that perfectly sums up the differences between the modern philosophy of child and …Read More
As I'm writing 168 Hours, I'm getting some fascinating tips. One is to figure out, exactly, how long the things you'd like to include in …Read More
This essay ran in the Wall Street Journal several weeks ago, and will be partially used in chapter 6 on the changing home economics. THE JOY …Read More
Here's the chapter outline of 168 Hours (the book). I have written the opening two chapters, and the "personal life" module; now I'm working on …Read More
I had an essay in the Wall Street Journal on Friday on how we think we work more hours than we do. Overestimating Our Overworking by …Read More
When you start documenting how you spend your 168 hours, you'll notice things. Here's a quick change I made. I've long been interested in writing fiction, …Read More
I am in the throes of writing 168 Hours right now, but I'm going to start loading up blog content as I go. First stop: …Read More
This will be the future site of the blog based on Laura Vanderkam's forthcoming book, 168 Hours (Portfolio, 2010). Please check back for more updates …Read More