Best of Both Worlds podcast: Gillian Goddard on medicine and bigger families
Both Sarah and I have long appreciated the smart comments on our blogs from reader "Gillian." This practicing physician and mom of four has great …Read More
Both Sarah and I have long appreciated the smart comments on our blogs from reader "Gillian." This practicing physician and mom of four has great …Read More
In every episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah and I share a "love of the week." This is a product/app/concept/etc. that is making our …Read More
Another Tuesday, another podcast episode, but since it's New Year's Eve, we knew we had to talk 2020 goals! In this (short!) episode, Sarah and …Read More
It's Tuesday, which means it's time for another episode of Best of Both Worlds, even if many people are switched up from their usual schedules. …Read More
There's a saying out there that "you can't be what you can't see." While that's not entirely true (someone has to be first!) it is …Read More
When Sarah posted a call for "Ask us anything" questions on the Best of Both Worlds Instagram account a few months ago we got so …Read More
School -- the schedules, the coursework, the social scene -- shapes a big chunk of family life. Yet so little of it is examined. Why …Read More
We can't make more hours in the day. But by thinking about and managing our energy, we can make the best of the hours we …Read More
Sarah and I love interviewing distinguished guests for the podcast…but sometimes it's fun just to pull an episode together based on listener questions. So that's …Read More
For better or worse, in many professional fields, women are more likely than men to wind up in two-career couples. Though this math won't necessarily …Read More