Writing About Time Management, Life, Careers & Family
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Fun — a deep dive
In the intro to every episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah and I promise to talk about "how real women manage work, family, and …Read More
Add whimsy
Much of time starts to seem the same after a while. We get up, eat breakfast, work, finish work, do our evening routines, go to …Read More
Friday miscellany: Puzzles, Legos, etc.
My 11-year-old chose a NASA rocket from the Lego catalog for Christmas this year. We started building it in late December. When I do Legos …Read More
How a habit takes
Regular readers of this blog know that on January 1st I began a project of what I'm calling my daily "rituals." I read a chapter …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Growing your family during medical school
Medicine can be a great career. But many women struggle with figuring out when in medical training to start their families. Today's Best of Both Worlds …Read More
The weekend toddler hand-off
The baby has officially become a toddler. He can walk across a room, and is starting to prefer walking to crawling. Of course, he's also …Read More
Friday miscellany: Snow week edition
It's been a snowy week. My time logs show a lot of time spent shoveling. Fortunately, there has also been time spent doing puzzles, reading, …Read More
Upgrading leisure time
Despite the huge snow cloud stuck over Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil somehow saw his shadow on Tuesday, predicting 6 more weeks of winter. Which is just …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Parenting teens and tweens
Sarah and I have both had babies since launching Best of Both Worlds three-and-a-half years ago. Many listeners/readers find us during those hard early years …Read More