Practicing a new goal
As November/December is "reflection season" (as my podcast co-host puts it) and as we generally record our annual goals episode by late November, I tend …Read More
As November/December is "reflection season" (as my podcast co-host puts it) and as we generally record our annual goals episode by late November, I tend …Read More
When I was writing All the Money in the World some 13 years ago (have you read it?) I frequently came across the trope that …Read More
Does fall weather make you feel like curling up with a good book? Then this week's episode of Best of Both Worlds is for you. In …Read More
November is a great month. We start with peak fall color (which, absent any huge rain/wind storms, has mostly lingered into this second weekend). Then, …Read More
Some of the showiest trees around here have lost their leaves, but there's a brilliantly orange-yellow scene right outside my office window. We also have …Read More
Last night we finally checked a long-standing to-do off the list: Trading in the old van and getting a new one! Longtime readers may recall that …Read More
Fear and finances are often linked. Many people worry about running out of money, or not having enough on a daily basis. But what if …Read More
There's an old saying attributed to Dwight Eisenhower, that "plans are worthless, but planning is everything." The idea is that on the battlefield, as with …Read More
I just got back from an excellent few days in Ft. Lauderdale participating in the Best Laid Plans Live retreat. My podcast co-host, Sarah Hart-Unger, …Read More
A few weeks ago, we welcomed a new treadmill into the family. The 16-year-old prefers to run on one (vs. outside in our neighborhood) so …Read More