Musings for Thursday
Another random thoughts post... The dishwasher finally broke. It had been struggling for a while, and now has ceased to get the dishes clean. Doing dishes …Read More
Another random thoughts post... The dishwasher finally broke. It had been struggling for a while, and now has ceased to get the dishes clean. Doing dishes …Read More
There are 168 hours in a week. Even if you work 40-plus hours, sleep 56, and spend a reasonable chunk of time on housework and …Read More
Sunday was that rarity in the universe: the 25-hour day. The clocks fell back as daylight savings time ended, and so the day was a …Read More
In September my Fitbit battery died. This became an opportunity to see if I wanted to keep the Fitbit in my life. I’ll admit I’ve …Read More
A few midweek musings on little things that make me smile:I got my hair cut today. I had a $50 gift certificate from the silent …Read More
I have a column in today's USA Today called "Hooray for a Happy Halloween." (That link will take you there). I have a particular soft …Read More
I became a runner ten years ago. I had tried here and there before, but never effectively. Then I watched Paula Radcliffe win the 2004 …Read More
It was another great October weekend, with fantastic fall weather. A few highlights:*Two amazing runs. I’d had a lousy run on Friday, which is disconcerting …Read More
This week my husband went to Rio de Janeiro mostly for business and I tagged along. It was a lot of travel for a short …Read More
We have another reader question! I wrote recently about “parent-work” and when it needed to happen. This reader asks “Do you have any suggestions or …Read More