Signs of spring (and a round-up)

photo-296I spotted snow drops on my run on Wednesday. They were poking up, as they often do, randomly in a patch of grass where whatever confluence of light and melt made that happen. There are green sprouts by my mailbox (pictured). I took a picture of the last patch of ice on my driveway a few days ago (see below).

Of course, it’s supposed to snow/sleet on Friday. The temperature photo-297will drop below freezing several nights over the next week. Equinox or not, we are not out of winter yet. That said, there is always a moment when spring suddenly seems not just possible, but inevitable. We are dancing closer and closer to that point.

In other news: My family signed up for a program called Story Worth. Every week or so, the program emails designated family members (in this case, my parents) a question like “what do you remember about your first big trip?” It sends the response to the list (my siblings and me), and saves the responses in one place. None of this is stuff we couldn’t do on our own, but we don’t. I’ve found out all sorts of fascinating memories from my parents’ childhoods that don’t necessarily come up during normal chats.

Other programs I use: I read TheSkimm daily. This is an early AM round-up of the headlines of the day, but written with a good dose of attitude. You can sign up for it here.

I have a piece at Fast Company on how to be a good mentee.

Check out my review of The Great Beanie Baby Bubble. This was one of my favorite books of the year so far. It’s darkly comic and way more entertaining than a business book deserves to be. It’s almost annoying that its author, Zac, is such a good reporter and writer and he’s so young!

Jessica Turner (The Mom Creative) writes about what it’s like to birth a baby and a book in the same year. She had her 3rd kid around January 1st, and The Fringe Hours came out in mid-February. She basically spent January on the couch, nursing and doing interviews. This is a subject near to my heart.

I’m on the Good Life podcast with Jonathan Fields.

Paula Rizzo (The List Producer) runs a Q&A on my list-making habits, including which kind of list I don’t make.

I enjoyed having a theme (habits – in honor of Better Than Before) on the blog this week. Maybe next week will be food week.

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