Writing About Time Management, Life, Careers & Family
Running for pleasure, or running to train
I have been traveling a lot lately, and Philadelphia has been rainy. This has been a problem because I need to do another long run …Read More
How much sleep do people need?
When it comes to time, certain narratives get repeated a lot. One is that we are all increasingly sleep-deprived. Certainly, some people are sleep-deprived; probably …Read More
How (and why) to keep a time log
If you want to spend your time better, the first step is figuring out exactly how you spend it now. While recording a day or …Read More
The ringmaster of the circus
In describing the day-to-day logistics of managing a full life, people use lots of analogies. Oddly enough, many of these seem to be circus-oriented: juggling …Read More
The sky cleared
My oldest is turning 9 this week, and we celebrated over the weekend. The big gift: going to see a Phillies game. My husband and …Read More
Welcome visitors! Plus an update on tracking my 8784 hours
Long-time readers know I spent the past year, April to April, tracking my time. I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I was nearing …Read More
Do you work after the kids go to bed? Here are 5 ways to make it work.
Here's the dilemma: you need, or want, to work more than 40 hours a week. You also have young kids who go to bed on …Read More
Is this a happy money story?
There are many great reasons to choose to stay home with your kids. Achieving better personal finances, however, is generally not one of them. Economist …Read More
The Great Unsubscribing (and a request for sources for stories)
I know email marketing works. I have a newsletter. I have also made purchases because a company has emailed me a deal and it triggered …Read More