2023 Time Tracking Challenge Day 2 – wrap up

Well, it wasn’t the world’s most tranquil Tuesday, but it wasn’t bad. After hitting “publish” earlier today, I did a bit more work, then ran an errand to the post office to mail some books. There was quite a party going on at the post office apparently, because I had to wait for a parking spot. But all things considered, I don’t mind going there — the clerks know me, and I often say hello to someone I know while there.

After, I came home and worked on various things until 12:30 p.m., when my husband and I ate lunch together (leftovers for me, sandwich for him again). I did a podcast-related call at 1 p.m., did various random things (it was that kind of day) then got in my running clothes for another 3 mile run (1:35-2:10 or so). Not far, not fast, but it wasn’t that cold, so it was fine.

I then proceeded to not work for much of the rest of the afternoon. My husband left for the rest of the day, so I had the house to myself, so I decided to play the piano for a bit (I wouldn’t do this while he was working from home and on calls…). Then I practiced some vocal exercises, then decided to sing through the Agnus Dei from Bach’s B-Minor Mass (also not good as an accompaniment to someone else’s Zooms). It’s a goal to practice singing more (three times a week is a habit!) so I’m glad I did that, but then I found it hard to get focused again. It’s unclear what I did with this time. Work/admin/etc. I know I did my puzzle for a few minutes, then kids started coming home, and I chatted with my daughter for a bit. I did manage to get back to my desk from 4:15-4:45 p.m. or so, at which point I fetched my 13-year-old from the bottom of the hill where the activity bus had dropped him, then went to get the 15-year-old from school.

He really wanted Starbucks, and it probably won’t happen later this week, so I took him. It’s one way to get a teenager to talk to you…The Starbucks parking lot is much easier to navigate if you have two people — one to go in, one to stay with the car (there are places you can idle but can’t park…). He got our strawberry acai lemonade refreshers, and then we drove home. Our nanny and the two little ones got home from karate shortly thereafter so we threw together dinner (tomato soup + grilled cheese mostly), and ate (5:50-6:10) and then I got ready to drive my daughter to her choir concert.

I had wanted some of the older boys to go but…they didn’t want to, and I didn’t feel like a fight, so I went by myself. She had to be dropped off 6:30 p.m., but it didn’t start until 7 p.m., so I read an interesting article in the Princeton Alumni Weekly about the conservative movement at Princeton. Then the kids sang. They were great! The songs were upbeat, and everyone was cheerful and the program was also short. We were out by 7:45, and home by 8 p.m.

Now I am writing this while the 3-year-old watches some Cookie Monster video on YouTube Kids. Everyone needs to be in their rooms by 9, and lights out by 10 and then everything starts over again!

I hope your second day of tracking went well. Let me know if you’re observing anything interesting!

5 thoughts on “2023 Time Tracking Challenge Day 2 – wrap up

  1. My observation is that eating meals and cleaning chores both take way less time than I realized. I need to push myself to spend time every day doing cleaning as I can actually get alot done in just 15 minutes

  2. I have been following you and read your books and listened to your podcast for quite a while, but I am taking the time tracking challenge the first time with you and I am so happy and exited to complete Day 2, it’s been a wonderful realization about how much I sleep, spend time with my daughter and actually have me time than I thought I had. I feel more fulfilled, in a lesser rush and more focused since I have to log my hours like an attorney 🙈. It’s easier than I thought it would be and actually enjoyable knowing where exactly I spend my time and how exactly iI can find time for things that I want to do but wasn’t able to. Thank you so much for this 2023 time tracking challenge, really appreciate your inspiration and motivation for me to log my time and improve my life!

  3. I am getting great clarity of where my time goes. I have a pretty strong understanding. But one of my goals of of 2023 is to be more efficient or intentional with my time. Tracking time is almost a mini accountability. Also- yesterday I was reminded about the power of one of your rules from TbT have a back up slot( this was particularly helpful when technology was not cooperating at work) I love your your work. Thank you.

  4. I’m tracking my time in 15 minutes this week and putting detail behind work. As I do, I’m realizing how often I let myself be pulled from topic to topic based on other people’s messages (yesterday a “do you have a minute to chat?” turned into a 45 minute brainstorm. Interesting topic, but nowhere on my priority list.) As a result, I’ll start my day with “these are the two things I MUST get done today” and end up doing them in the end of day triage (one of your many brilliant suggestions) or worse, in the evening.

    Today I’m going to try estimating how long some of these “must do” tasks will take and racing the clock to see if I can get them done within my estimated window without getting distracted.

  5. Oh my, I am a bit more “time blind” than I thought. Tuesday is day 3!! So glad I cancelled “tagging along” with a friend to run errands today. It’s a choice I’m making right now…I am going to stop ignoring time and cultivate it as a tool to use! Let’s do this!

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