Friday miscellany: 500 words, and writing in general
On December 24, 2016, I went for a run. Over the next week or so, I managed to run every day. So then I thought, …Read More
On December 24, 2016, I went for a run. Over the next week or so, I managed to run every day. So then I thought, …Read More
How much screen time should children have? Does it matter what kind of screen? And what about what they're doing on them: watching Daniel Tiger, …Read More
I am sitting in a hotel room in Canada and have an hour until I need to get my kids, so I thought I'd post …Read More
Regular blog readers/podcast listeners will recall that Sarah and I welcomed Lauren Smith Brody as a guest on Best of Both Worlds a few weeks …Read More
Some ups and downs this week. The 3-year-old is moving into his big boy bed. He had been sleeping in a crib with the back …Read More
I woke this morning to a 2-hour school delay. It's getting to be a Tuesday tradition around here! But other than some mild trepidation about …Read More
It's the weekend! Do you have anything fun planned? I hope so! Last night after hitting post I did have my celebratory glass of wine. I …Read More
It's Thursday, which means that, as of late afternoon today, we are officially half-way through this 168 hours Time-Tracking Challenge! Late Thursday always feels like …Read More
The temperatures soared into the 40s today, so it was easier to stick with my resolution to get outside! After posting last night, I cleaned …Read More
Good morning! A lot of people resolve to spend their time better in the new year. The first step to spending time better is knowing …Read More