Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.
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Hello from Florida
So I am finally knocking the last item off my winter fun list -- escaping to Florida! I flew down here yesterday and am meeting up …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Jerks at Work with Tessa West
Ideally all your co-workers are wonderful. Probably many are! But there are always those folks who are more difficult to deal with. Nothing necessarily rises …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: The Disney-sode
Podcast note: Sarah and I record almost all of our episodes of Best of Both Worlds at least a week or two ahead of time, …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Sports parenting with Rebecca Smith
Sports can be intense. Witness the Olympics! But even before that level, athletics can be quite stressful for many young people. If you are raising …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Creative solutions for work and life with Anandi Raman Creath
On the Best of Both Worlds podcast, we love sharing the stories of women who've come up with ways to make work and life fit …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Hodge podge
Today's hodge podge conversational episode of Best of Both Worlds features a few topics. First Sarah and I give some brief life updates. For instance, she …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Moving FAQ
I spent my first night in my new house exactly four weeks ago today. In four weeks, things are much more settled. For instance, nobody …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Teneshia Warner on 90 day goals
If you're trying to achieve something big, what's the right time frame for that pursuit? Multi-year quests could be amazing, but it's hard to stay …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mailbag episode
At the Best of Both Worlds podcast, we love listener questions! In this episode, our first mailbag episode of 2022, we mostly tackle questions from …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: The Power of a Story with Kindra Hall
Life is not always lived in stories. And yet stories are powerful. We are drawn toward narratives that make sense. So we need to learn …Read More