Best of Both Worlds podcast: Listener childcare tips
For most working parents, paid childcare is part of the game. Even families with a stay-at-home parent will need the occasional date night sitter or …Read More
For most working parents, paid childcare is part of the game. Even families with a stay-at-home parent will need the occasional date night sitter or …Read More
Back in January, Sarah and I shared our goals for 2019. We've now completed the first quarter (and first quintile, in Sarah's system! She does …Read More
"Self-care" is a hot topic, but what exactly does it mean? According to Wikipedia, self-care "is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual …Read More
We have a treat for listeners this week. After 19 months of featuring amazing and wonderful women, Best of Both Worlds presents our first ever …Read More
Today Sarah and I devote the bulk of the Best of Both Worlds podcast to my new book, Juliet's School of Possibilities. We talk through …Read More
This week Sarah and I welcomed guest Jody Robbins to Best of Both Worlds. Robbins writes a lot about family travel, including a new book …Read More
I know I'm always looking for a new trick that will help me get through life with less hassle. Yes, whether I succeed or fail …Read More
I've worked for myself for a great many years. During that time I've done a handful of longer projects for different groups. It's always complicated …Read More
If you read The SHU Box blog, you know that my Best of Both Worlds co-host, Sarah, recently moved to a new home. Her husband …Read More
Today's episode of Best of Both Worlds was a fun one. My co-host Sarah and her family visited Philadelphia over Christmas break, and we recorded …Read More