Turn the job you have into the job you want
Yesterday, I kept wondering why the date July 26 was sticking out in my mind. It seemed monumental to me in some fashion, and by …Read More
Yesterday, I kept wondering why the date July 26 was sticking out in my mind. It seemed monumental to me in some fashion, and by …Read More
(cross-posted at Gifted Exchange) This week's Time magazine cover story deals with a thorny issue: summer vacation. Why is it thorny? Because most of us romanticize …Read More
I always like hearing about ways people fit leisure or self-development time into their busy days. When it involves 168 Hours, all the better! Apparently, …Read More
WomansDay.com quotes me in an article called "How to Break Time-Sapping Habits." I definitely like the one about not grocery shopping on Saturday! But better …Read More
A few years ago, as I was considering what direction I'd like my career to go, I tried making some "vision statements" about what success …Read More
I was the subject of last week's Manic Mommies podcast, which you can download by going to the ManicMommies website. Two main take-aways from this …Read More
A few weeks ago, several dozen of us took the 168 Hours Challenge and logged our time for a week. It was an eye-opening experience, …Read More
I've long been a fan of the DailyWorth website (I'm a fan of anyone who's shared my articles with a wide audience!). But I really …Read More
The website First Friday Book Synopsis runs an in-depth interview with me today about 168 Hours and Grindhopping, my previous book. You can read the …Read More
The opening line of the 168 Hours intro is "Tuesday, July 14, 2009, was a good day." I go on to describe how I spent that …Read More