Win $500 million and still be happy!
The PowerBall jackpot has now hit $500 million. Such occasions bring the usual photos of people lining up outside gas stations, and a more curious …Read More
The PowerBall jackpot has now hit $500 million. Such occasions bring the usual photos of people lining up outside gas stations, and a more curious …Read More
In my talks -- especially to professional women's groups with a 30- and 40-something demographic -- I've started throwing out a question: It's Saturday. Your …Read More
I'm gearing up for the launch of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend on December 31. In the meantime, I'm trying to …Read More
I head to our local library most Tuesday nights -- for a change of scenery, and to get a little more work done. My treat …Read More
I had a long-ish post I was going to run about Erica Dhawan's recent study of Harvard and MIT MBA candidates. Dhawan interviewed these young …Read More
I ran the Philadelphia half-marathon early this morning. I ran it several minutes faster than I ran it two years ago. Despite having walked a …Read More
It’s that time of year again -- time for a round of blog posts, ebooks and magazine articles on how to simplify Christmas. “Simple” is …Read More
Ah, blogging. It's a demanding past time. I don't have a good essay to post today. I have some other places that might be of …Read More
Years ago, I wrote a column for USA Today on efforts to modernize the Peace Corps. While Americans in general think of the Peace Corps …Read More
What with the election and all, we're a bit behind on "Can't have it all" manifestos. Fortunately, a lawyer (and mother of two young children) …Read More