The CEO life: More balanced than you might think
When you think of the job of CEO of a public company, the assumption is that it is all-consuming. Perhaps most people don't log 100-hour …Read More
When you think of the job of CEO of a public company, the assumption is that it is all-consuming. Perhaps most people don't log 100-hour …Read More
The Best of Both Worlds podcast is all about combining work and life. While some of our guests are authors or experts, we aim to …Read More
We finished another school year! All three of the big kids went to the same elementary school this year, which was wonderfully efficient. One bus! …Read More
Certain activities must be done. You need to feed yourself and anyone who is physically dependent on you. The consequences of other choices -- say, …Read More
One of the best "pro tips" I have for surviving working parenthood is to plan for things to go wrong. If Plan A falls through, …Read More
A number of my book launches have happened in late May, early June. This is also the time of year when my car's state inspection …Read More
June is always one of my favorite months (the "Friday night of summer" as it were). I'm loving the roses in our yard, and the …Read More
My 11-year-old is on his big 5th grade end-of-year trip today. He packed his bag, and got up bright and early, excited to visit a …Read More
Anyone who's listened to Best of Both Worlds knows that Sarah and I are both into planning. Sarah in particular is a big fan of …Read More
I just got back from a rather muggy run. Being able to run in the middle of the day (usually when I need a break) …Read More