Thursday reflections on Rule #3: Move by 3 p.m.

This week the Tranquility by Tuesday Challenge has been focusing on Rule #3: Move by 3 p.m. Building little bits of activity into life can help with energy and focus — and help build a more strategic mindset about time.

If you’ve been aiming to move by 3 p.m. this week, here are a few questions to help you reflect on the experience:

  • About how much exercise did you get this week? When did you do this and how much did you do?
  • What effects did you see in your life from moving by 3 p.m. most days?
  • What challenges did you face in implementing this week’s strategy?
  • How did you deal with these challenges?
  • If you needed to modify this rule, how did you do so?
  • How likely are you to continue to move by 3 p.m.?

Thursdays are also a good time to reflect on the previous rules! Did you observe a bedtime this week? Did you plan on Fridays? If so, how did that affect your ability to move by 3 p.m.?

I find these rules tend to build on each other. Everything feels more doable with adequate sleep (alas — I was interrupted last night and I am feeling it today!). Planning on Fridays lets us see the lay of the land, which makes the daily strategic mindset necessary to plan in little breaks seem more possible.

I’ve been getting into a rhythm of physical activity in the new year. Monday I work out with my trainer virtually (I often go for a short walk in the afternoon too). Tuesday afternoon I run. Between Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, at least one is an afternoon running day (depending on the schedule and weather) and the other 1-2 I go for a 2:30 p.m. walk. I do my “long” run (usually about 5 miles) on Saturday morning, and I go to the gym at some point on Sunday to do weight training and usually about 20 minutes or so on the elliptical.

It’s not perfect (my two strength training days are back to back…) but it’s what’s working right now. Feel free to share any of your observations about this or the previous TBT rules!

In other news: New here? Wondering what all this is about? Tranquility by Tuesday, my most recent book, is about nine of my favorite time management rules, and how they can help us calm the chaos and make time for what matters. I’m working through each of the rules over the course of nine weeks with several thousand people receiving emails each week about the rules. You can still join in the middle if you want! (Emails come on Thursdays and Fridays each week, so don’t fret if it’s Tuesday and you haven’t gotten one in a few days!)

10 thoughts on “Thursday reflections on Rule #3: Move by 3 p.m.

  1. Last week I posted with some concerns about accomplishing this rule due to my schedule as a teacher. I decided to eat a quick lunch (about 15 minutes) and go for a short walk (about ten minutes) at the end of my lunch period. It definitely helped increase energy levels for the rest of the day. As a bonus, I got 1200-1300 more steps in each day. Thanks for all of the suggestions, everyone!

    1. @Sarah – so glad that worked for you and that you felt increased energy as a result! I know there are many jobs where this is harder than others but it may still be worth trying. And if it doesn’t work every day, oh well. Something is better than nothing!

  2. This is my second favorite rule of the TBT rules. Movement is so great for mind and body. I read once where someone said she would work out early in the morning to trick her body into doing it before she was able to talk herself out of it.

  3. My goal was to get out at lunchtime – so I wasn’t sitting for 8 hours straight (between two stints of exercise, so I wasn’t sendentary but I do find it annoying). It worked, and it’s 6am on Friday (in the airport lounge) and my Garmin tracks 418 active minutes for the week thus far.

  4. I love love love this one – especially for retired people. Regular exercise is a big factor in ensuring we are as healthy as possible – physically and mentally. It can’t be a “maybe today” or a “maybe later” – it has to be a daily habit and I love that I’m establishing it now. I exercise almost every morning – except the days when I have a scheduled Pilates class later in the day. And this week I made a point of saying “Yes” every time my husband suggested a walk. He’s a big walker. They aren’t long walks, but they are at key points in the day: after lunch (so good for a refresher so you don’t spend the afternoon in a stupor) and after dinner (rather than slumping in front of the TV immediately). Thanks for getting me to prioritize exercise!

    1. @Cynthia -so glad you’ve been getting your walks in! This rule really is helpful. I always feel better after a walk.

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