Ready for the Tranquility by Tuesday Challenge?

I am thrilled that so many people participated in the 2023 Time Tracking Challenge last week. I received many logs from people who were willing to share them and I am working my way through them now. I also really appreciate everyone who took the survey. We ended responses at midnight Tuesday and have a lot to work through there as well!

I hope that means people found it useful. And I also hope people will consider doing my next challenge — one based on Tranquility by Tuesday.

Starting tomorrow, people who sign up for the challenge will get two emails per week for nine weeks. The first (on Fridays) will explain one of the TBT “rules” and offer some questions on how to implement the rule in daily life. The second (on Thursdays) will be a follow-up, with questions on how the week went. What worked? What didn’t? I will be blogging about each rule in sequence over the course of nine weeks. I will also have a few “office hours” for people who have questions or want to discuss the rules in that format.

The goal is to give people a framework for truly making the rules into habits. If you’ve read TBT (thanks!) this is a chance to work through it systematically. If you haven’t (I hope you will!) this challenge will provide some support for making your way through the book.

(Though you don’t have to read the book to participate in the challenge!)

Anyway, I hope you’ll consider it. You can sign up here.

7 thoughts on “Ready for the Tranquility by Tuesday Challenge?

  1. The book was truly amazing! My husband and I have taken up the one night for yourselves habit and it’s going really well. He was constantly
    saying ‘I never get to do what I want to do!’ Now he wanders the house wondering what to do, lol. I do yoga on my night, read or give myself a manicure. Love it.

  2. I am signed up! And, since I shared my time tracking experience on my YouTube challenge and mentioned Tranquility by Tuesday, one of my friends signed up for this challenge as well.

  3. I just finished the audio book and got today’s email and laughed – I had forgotten the first rule was bedtime! This is already automatic for me and has been since my boy was a newborn and I felt like I was losing my mind without sleep. I can’t usually make it to my 1030 bedtime; I’m usually in bed by 930 or 10 if I can get there. I use Noom and this is one of their first rules too – you won’t reach for sugar so much if you sleep enough. I do wish my husband and I could go to bed at the same time, but I can’t make it that late.

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