Learning more about 168 Hours

I am seeing from my Google Analytics account that many new readers have joined us here at My168hours.com over the past month. Below are a few posts from the archives that will help you get a sense of the book, and my thoughts on how people spend their time now and in the past.

Finding Time to Exercise: Many people claim they don’t have time to work out. They’re wrong. You may even have Time to Run a Marathon! Another big complaint is having no time to read; here’s a post on how to find it.

Not-So-Sleepless in Seattle or Anywhere Else: No, Americans are not “increasingly sleep-deprived” as the headlines claim. The average American sleeps well over 8 hours a night. Yes, we all like to kvetch about the occasional bad night. But these complaints have consequences.

When Work-Life Balance Means Working More: Paula, the mom of a preschooler, started enjoying life more when she started getting serious about her career. This post is about her makeover.

Dealing With a Workaholic: “Dorothy” (not in the book because she wanted to be anonymous) is the only person who ever turned in a time log with a 100-hour workweek. This post is about her makeover.

Productivity Lessons from Maternity Leave: If you only aim to do 3-5 things beyond life maintenance per day, chances are you will get them done.

Thanksgiving and the New Home Economics: In which I discover cooking Thanksgiving dinner to be Not That Complicated after all.

Ode on Indolence. The essay on John Keats I never wrote in college.

TV and 168 Hours: It can fit. Carefully. Most people don’t watch TV carefully, however, which makes us feel like we have less free time than we do (a topic I discuss in Dr. Phil and Free Time).

Adventures in School Lunch: School lunch saves time and money. And is often healthier than what parents pack, too. Discuss!

In Defense of (Good Enough) Food: My (grass-fed?) beef with Michael Pollan.

Time Makeover — Stephanie Graham: This young photographer was trying to scale up her artistic career while working a full-time job with a long commute. Oh, and she wanted a little time for fun, too.

Thoughts on Good Housekeeping’s 125th Birthday: The way women spend their 168 hours has changed drastically over the last 50 years.

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