January weekend adventures
Some weekends are more low key. This one had two larger adventures, which were both a lot of fun! On Friday I dropped my 15-year-old off …Read More
Some weekends are more low key. This one had two larger adventures, which were both a lot of fun! On Friday I dropped my 15-year-old off …Read More
I mean, it's January. But the past few days have been quite frigid -- lows in the single digits when we're getting people up and …Read More
Winter is not my favorite season, but yesterday was a beautiful snowy day here in Pennsylvania. I stomped around outside taking many pictures. Some of …Read More
I celebrated my birthday earlier this week. December is a celebratory month already, so it's fun to be able to piggy back on that. Some …Read More
I like running outside, but not in cold or wet weather. Since it is winter, that kind of comes with the territory! We own a …Read More
The temperatures dropped last night, and the trees are definitely looking bare. I think last weekend was the last really colorful one. On to winter! Back in …Read More
I really do not like being cold. And unfortunately, if it is cold outside, I am likely to be cold. There was a moment this …Read More
We came through this weekend's big snowstorm pretty well. Looking outside, I'm seeing a picturesque four inches of the white stuff, rather than a formidable …Read More
Yesterday was the winter solstice. A few years ago I wrote a short novel that I've been tentatively calling The Norwegian Secret to Enjoying Winter …Read More
The neighbors' roof project continues, which means that recording in my office during work hours is pretty close to impossible. This resulted in my attempting …Read More