Snow day and weekly rhythms
I assumed we'd have a virtual school day today. Last week the kids had a day off school when there was just bit of ice, …Read More
I assumed we'd have a virtual school day today. Last week the kids had a day off school when there was just bit of ice, …Read More
Waking up and getting moving was a little tough for everyone this morning. We watched the Eagles/Chiefs game last night and were very happy with …Read More
Some weekends are more low key. This one had two larger adventures, which were both a lot of fun! On Friday I dropped my 15-year-old off …Read More
I mean, it's January. But the past few days have been quite frigid -- lows in the single digits when we're getting people up and …Read More
Winter is not my favorite season, but yesterday was a beautiful snowy day here in Pennsylvania. I stomped around outside taking many pictures. Some of …Read More
I celebrated my birthday earlier this week. December is a celebratory month already, so it's fun to be able to piggy back on that. Some …Read More
I like running outside, but not in cold or wet weather. Since it is winter, that kind of comes with the territory! We own a …Read More
The temperatures dropped last night, and the trees are definitely looking bare. I think last weekend was the last really colorful one. On to winter! Back in …Read More
I really do not like being cold. And unfortunately, if it is cold outside, I am likely to be cold. There was a moment this …Read More
We came through this weekend's big snowstorm pretty well. Looking outside, I'm seeing a picturesque four inches of the white stuff, rather than a formidable …Read More