Friday miscellany: Pondering September
Yes, we are still in August. But the planning wheels are in motion around here. In particular, I'm pondering the family's late summer schedule. Everyone …Read More
Yes, we are still in August. But the planning wheels are in motion around here. In particular, I'm pondering the family's late summer schedule. Everyone …Read More
Many outdoor events come with a "rain date." This is an incredibly useful concept if you think about it. The hosts are acknowledging that things …Read More
This was another big full summer weekend — but unlike the last one, I don't have a million photos of peaches and beaches to show …Read More
This was a really good, really summery weekend. It did not start auspiciously (a child melted down at a Friday afternoon swim lesson...) but it …Read More
Sarah and I just got done recording a Best of Both Worlds episode on the "compare and despair" phenomenon that social media seems to engender. …Read More
I have gone on plenty of vacations in my life, but I have never actually created an out-of-office message. That's partly because there's no other …Read More
With four boys, my hand-me-down game is pretty strong. It's been fun to "shop" the selection of 18-24 month and 2T clothes for my little …Read More
During the early days of the pandemic, I spent very little time in the car. I think I was running on a single tank of …Read More
My Best of Both Worlds co-host, Sarah Hart-Unger, launched "Best Laid Plans," a podcast devoted to planners and planning, about a year ago. A listener …Read More