Survey thanks and updates
Thank you so much to everyone who took my time perception survey! We closed the survey with a little over 900 completed responses. I was …Read More
Thank you so much to everyone who took my time perception survey! We closed the survey with a little over 900 completed responses. I was …Read More
I spent several hours last night at the local high school for the Reading Olympics, which my 9-year-old was participating in. The judge asks questions …Read More
Conventional jobs have a psychologically comforting aspect to them. You go somewhere, which in and of itself can feel like you've done something. In some …Read More
One of the joys of self-employment, and working from home, is that Mondays don't feel like Mondays to me. It has been ages since I …Read More
Perhaps it is the coming spring.* Perhaps it is the lull between sports. But this weekend had a different feel to it. When there are …Read More
Time for another miscellany post on life right now. Here are a few things I'm into as of this month. The running streak. It lives. I …Read More
Longtime readers will recall that my eldest really wanted a cat for Christmas. He did not get a cat. In lieu, he received a promise …Read More
I am feeling incredibly well-rested right now. I don't want to jinx this but long-time readers know that the 2-year-old has been a source of …Read More
Laura's note: Today's guest post is about an important question to ask that can help you be more mindful in matters big and small. Enjoy! by …Read More
I have spent many a winter Saturday morning at wrestling meets this year. This weekend was no different, except my 7-year-old had wrestling events on …Read More