Best of Both Worlds Podcast: Josh!
We have a treat for listeners this week. After 19 months of featuring amazing and wonderful women, Best of Both Worlds presents our first ever …Read More
We have a treat for listeners this week. After 19 months of featuring amazing and wonderful women, Best of Both Worlds presents our first ever …Read More
With all my book posts this week, I failed to provide an update on the pinewood derby from last weekend. The good news is that …Read More
I have been so grateful this week for the various people who've shared news about Juliet's School of Possibilities. It's been a reminder of what …Read More
Yesterday was long but fun. I spent most of the day in book promotion mode, amplifying various social media posts and answering notes and queries …Read More
Today Sarah and I devote the bulk of the Best of Both Worlds podcast to my new book, Juliet's School of Possibilities. We talk through …Read More
My time management fable, Juliet's School of Possibilities: A Little Story About the Power of Priorities, is on sale today in the U.S. If you've …Read More
Laura's note: The pre-order bonus form turned off at the end of the business day on the East Coast. If you pre-ordered later in the …Read More
I am not going to lie, this has not been an easy past few days. I had just been thinking, hey, it's almost spring, and …Read More
I run every day. While I sometimes go find a trail, I generally just run around my neighborhood. One particular loop takes me past this …Read More
For Christmas, my sister-in-law and I gave my husband and his brother a long weekend ski trip. So they took off for Colorado Thursday to …Read More