Spend more time on the things that matter, and less on the things that don’t.

Free Time Makeover Guide

Figure out where the time really goes—and where you’d like it to go—so you can spend more time on what matters, and less on what doesn’t.

© Marla Aufmuth/TED

positive parenting milestones

Best of Both Worlds podcast: Positive parenting milestones

It's one of the worst phrases said to parents of young kids: "Just you wait!" The idea is that however tough you have it, life …Read More


When was March 10 last a Monday?

First, Sarah is home from the hospital. You can read her most recent update (and listen to this week's BLP) here. A lot of really …Read More

Friday round-up: Dragon Masters, etc.

Well, it has been a week...I am hoping everything goes well for Sarah today and that she'll be home this weekend. In the meantime, I wanted …Read More

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