How one lawyer plans to get back on the fast track after a few slow years
Careers have peaks and troughs. Many people decide to “park it” for a few years while caring for children or elderly parents, or while dealing …Read More
Careers have peaks and troughs. Many people decide to “park it” for a few years while caring for children or elderly parents, or while dealing …Read More
As I look back on it, yesterday had a number of good things going on. While the baby had been up in the night, I …Read More
When we talk about our lives, we usually recount past events as stories. Three points of evidence lead to a conclusion. If I wanted to …Read More
If you read I Know How She Does It, you may recall the tale of Vanessa Chan in Chapter 1. She kept her time log …Read More
Were I not tracking my time, my story of yesterday would go like this: I did almost no real work. Instead, household administrative tasks ate …Read More
I attended the Rock the World conference this past weekend, and got to meet a number of fascinating entrepreneurs. One of them was Emilia Prahin, …Read More
This fall I’m traveling more than usual to talk about I Know How She Does It and time management in general. Work travel adds a …Read More
As I’ve done interviews about I Know How She Does It, I get asked a lot about guilt. I have worked out an answer because …Read More
Strawberry season has come and gone. The berry season is short! Fortunately, fruit ripens in sequence all summer and the raspberries and peaches are prime …Read More
I am a long way from figuring out my next book (as in a print title). But in the meantime, I’d love feedback on this …Read More