Habits I have (the good and the bad)
It’s habits week here on the blog. Today I’m looking at the habits I do have, both the good and the bad (at least in …Read More
It’s habits week here on the blog. Today I’m looking at the habits I do have, both the good and the bad (at least in …Read More
Gretchen Rubin’s new book, Better Than Before, is out Tuesday. I read it twice and enjoyed it. The list of self-help books I’ve reread is …Read More
Around New Year's, I spent some time identifying what would be my most important professional projects for 2010. These are the things that, if I …Read More
Most of the chapter titles in 168 Hours are fairly vague ("A Full Life"). But one is quite specific: Don't Do Your Own Laundry. The …Read More
As promised, I am finally starting to load some more “time makeovers” up on this blog! The good thing about putting these online is that …Read More
Over at The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington and Cindi Leive (Glamour's editor-in-chief) have taken up a new cause for the new year: getting American women …Read More
In some of the pre-pub press on 168 Hours, I've been referred to as an "aspiring time management guru," which isn't entirely true. I wrote …Read More
"Your email is not your work; it is simply a tool to help you do your work." -- Paul Sloane at Lifehack.orgRead More
I have been trying to work a lighter schedule since Sam's birth on September 24. I'm feeding him every 3 hours during the day, plus …Read More
The Weekend Journal section of today's WSJ has a round-up of how various novelists crank out their words. It's a comforting article, in some ways, …Read More