Make Mondays better
Mondays have a rough reputation. I'm personally fond of the day, but I know that's partly because I work from home (no commute) and work …Read More
Mondays have a rough reputation. I'm personally fond of the day, but I know that's partly because I work from home (no commute) and work …Read More
I called my first time management book 168 Hours (have you read it??). That's the number of hours in a week. All these years later, …Read More
Ever wonder why kids seem to have more friends than adults? Part of it is consistency. When you go to school every week day, you …Read More
My older three children are relatively close in age: 13, almost 11, and almost 9. The younger two are a fair amount younger: they are …Read More
Time passes. This is an obvious statement, and yet fundamental to the terrifying and promising nature of time. All time passes. Good, bad. Any time …Read More
My older kids started virtual school yesterday: grades 8, 5, and 3 (the kindergartner will start later this week, and will be attending a private …Read More
Over the past six months, kids have spent a lot of time at home. Sports and activities have been canceled. In my co-host Sarah's case, …Read More
The baby is working on sleep in fits and starts. Last night was decent. My husband put him down while I went grocery shopping (all …Read More
September has just started, but the summer heat has broken here in Pennsylvania, at least for now. I saw a few yellow leaves scuttle over …Read More
Believe it or not, the Best of Both Worlds podcast turned three over the past week or so! I well remember seeing Sarah's post, in …Read More