Writing About Time Management, Life, Careers & Family
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Year in review part 2 – personal highlights
In last week's episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah and I shared some of our favorite things from the year. Well, she shared a …Read More
Finishing (one day at a time)
I just read the final chapter of War and Peace this morning. Tolstoy's epic is long (my translation is 1455 pages) but it is divided …Read More
Thoughts from the shortest day of the year
Yesterday was the winter solstice. A few years ago I wrote a short novel that I've been tentatively calling The Norwegian Secret to Enjoying Winter …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: 2021 year in review, part 1 – our favorites
We're racing towards the end of 2021, so it's time for our annual Best of Both Worlds year in review episode! This year we decided …Read More
Festive (and how we did on the 2021 holiday fun list)
This was a fairly festive weekend. On Saturday, most of us (my daughter was at a friend's house) went to Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New …Read More
Friday planning gets it done (even when things don’t go as planned)
It is lunch time on Friday. From this vantage point, a few hours from quitting time, I am pretty sure I am going to end …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Thinking like a breadwinner with Jennifer Barrett
These days, the majority of women assume they will be part of the paid labor force in some capacity. But men and women still grow …Read More
A case of the Mondays…
It is about 2:30 p.m. as I am typing this and I haven't showered yet. It has been one of those days. I set my alarm …Read More
Friday miscellany: The next six weeks
There are three weeks left in 2021. Since I've been reading a chapter of War and Peace every day this year, and the year is …Read More