It’s Labor Day — here’s how I did on the Summer Fun List
With the kids starting school this week, it’s time to revisit the Summer Fun List. This is the list I make every summer with all …Read More
With the kids starting school this week, it’s time to revisit the Summer Fun List. This is the list I make every summer with all …Read More
I am in the process of pulling together discussion guides for people reading Tranquility by Tuesday. For folks who want to work through the book …Read More
One of the themes of my next book is how to make life feel more sustainable and joyful on an average Tuesday. Yesterday was something, …Read More
Summer doesn't end in the seasonal sense until September 21st (here in the northern hemisphere), but the end of August certainly feels like a last …Read More
Last week was intended to be something of a catch-up week after the previous week at the beach (and the week before that featuring very …Read More
I go back and forth on whether I am a patient person. My default mode is to do things quickly and move things along, but …Read More
Tranquility by Tuesday is based on the results of a study of 150 people who learned nine time management rules over nine weeks. Each week, …Read More
Monday was my longest stretch at my desk in a while. Last week we were at the beach. The week before that I recorded my …Read More
My kids don't start school for another two weeks. But many kids, including Sarah's, are already well into the school year. So for this week's …Read More
Summer wouldn't feel like summer without our annual week at the beach. So this past week, we rented the same house for the 5th time …Read More