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We are migrating here from the old version of My168Hours.com. Please note that the main blog posts are now going up at www.my168hours.com/main vs. www.my168hours.com/blog. …Read More
We are migrating here from the old version of My168Hours.com. Please note that the main blog posts are now going up at www.my168hours.com/main vs. www.my168hours.com/blog. …Read More
Today's post is unrelated to much, except that I was just on a panel at the "Rock The World" conference sponsored by Savor the Success …Read More
I've started asking people a few questions about money to get some conversations going: 1. If you had "all the money in the world" -- not …Read More
I'm not too big on small time-savers. To me, it's silly to think about a device that will let you core a pineapple faster if, …Read More
The round-up is coming a little late this week because I spent Thursday at Princeton for the She Roars conference, and Friday and Saturday at …Read More
Earlier this week I met with the editorial and publicity team over at Portfolio (the publisher of 168 Hours). We have been working for a …Read More
In her blog recently, Kimberly Weisul noted a study that found that Europeans are happier when they work less and have more leisure, but Americans …Read More
(Note: I have a column in today's USA Today on why women-owned businesses receive such a small percent of equity funding. Is it because sexist …Read More
I'm home with Sam (19 months) today, and we're having a fun time. There was a zoo trip and shopping -- I'll let you figure …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I blogged about the phrase "work-life balance" and asked if it is a career-killing phrase. I can't say I'm particularly …Read More