5 reviews in 5 days: Eudora Welty’s The Optimist’s Daughter (#2)
I went on a reading spree a few weeks ago, and read 5 books in 5 days. I'm now posting short reviews of all 5 …Read More
I went on a reading spree a few weeks ago, and read 5 books in 5 days. I'm now posting short reviews of all 5 …Read More
As a "demand side" reader, I went on a reading tear a few weeks ago. I wound up reading 5 books in about 5 days. …Read More
Last Sunday, I posted that I was challenging myself to get up early to work every day this week (every weekday, that is). I succeeded …Read More
My brain is too fried from counting Excel cells to write an essay right now. Instead, I have a motley mix of things to cover …Read More
Today was day 2 of waking up at 6 a.m. to work. As with Sunday, I showered at night, so I could pop up and …Read More
I logged my time again last week again. I could make an argument that it wasn’t typical in the sense that I didn’t work Monday …Read More
I haven’t done much alarm setting over the past 7 years. My kids woke me up most mornings with ample time before anything I needed …Read More
I wrote a love letter to Amazon Prime last week. Then they raised the yearly rate by $20. Oh well, I still think it's a …Read More
The question of what, exactly, holds women back professionally is a complicated one. It tends to involve a lot of impressions, rather than data, which …Read More
Many a Tuesday night, I take myself out for sushi. It’s the night I usually work late, and I figure if I were in an …Read More