Books read in May 2018
I am pausing from the constant Off the Clock book promotion to bring you… books (by other people) read in May! I am not sure if …Read More
I am pausing from the constant Off the Clock book promotion to bring you… books (by other people) read in May! I am not sure if …Read More
Yesterday was launch day for Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done, and it was exciting to see some buzz on social …Read More
All podcast episodes get their own posts, so even though I already blogged today, here we go! In this episode, Sarah and I talk about …Read More
I am thrilled to announce that Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done is on sale today (May 29) in the US …Read More
We don't hit the solstice, or the end of school, for a few more weeks, but Memorial Day weekend often feels like the start of …Read More
A few notes from the last week…Last weekend went surprisingly well. I say surprisingly because we've had some rough weekends of late. The kids don't …Read More
When I first started tracking my time continuously, one of my biggest surprises was how much time I was spending in the car. Because I …Read More
Over the years, I have given several talks at companies known for extreme hours. I know that sometimes the speech organizers are wary that an …Read More
This week's podcast was a bit of a catch-up. Sarah and I were originally going to talk about her planning make-overs (which might become the …Read More
Bosses get a bad rep, but let's pause for a moment to empathize. Managing people is difficult. You're trying to use whatever tools you have …Read More