Best of Both Worlds podcast: Rest and trading off
There's a certain narrative out there that working mothers of small kids have zero downtime. From a time diary perspective this is not true. However, …Read More
There's a certain narrative out there that working mothers of small kids have zero downtime. From a time diary perspective this is not true. However, …Read More
Maybe one of these days we'll get a slow news weekend... In the meantime, this was a good summer weekend in my household (and my 12-year-old …Read More
I bought a new phone on June 3rd after it became clear that my old one was on its deathbed. The subsequent data migration with …Read More
When sports teams are ramping up for the season, they sometimes do what are known as "2-a-days" -- that is, two practices a day. This …Read More
Over the July 4th long weekend, Sarah and her family visited me in Pennsylvania. While our kids played with our husbands in the pool, we …Read More
I got a new phone in early June. Due to a complicated migration of my data, none of my apps automatically transferred. I decided to …Read More
As I've been visiting various workplaces over the past year (for speeches/workshops/etc.), I've found that a lot have landed on the official hybrid model of …Read More
I took a very quick trip into New York City yesterday to do a mid-day event at a law firm. I left my house at …Read More
In life, it's easy to add things to the schedule without consciously taking other things off. But because time is absolutely limited, things wind up …Read More
In my umpteen years of blogging, I think I've written a post about how "long weekends with small children are not relaxing" many times. The …Read More