Tranquility by Tuesday: Planning on Fridays and batching those little tasks
During the little kid years, it's easy to feel like we’re just hanging on at work. Then, as the kids start getting older, time can …Read More
During the little kid years, it's easy to feel like we’re just hanging on at work. Then, as the kids start getting older, time can …Read More
For better or worse, in many professional fields, women are more likely than men to wind up in two-career couples. Though this math won't necessarily …Read More
I recently received a letter from a reader about what I know is a common career dilemma. This reader wrote that she was moving up …Read More
Happy Friday everyone! I mentioned in a post earlier this week that my husband and I sat down and mapped out our vacation days for …Read More
Little kids are tough. Anyone who's been through the baby and toddler stage knows that caring for them can by physically exhausting. However, there are schedule …Read More
A few months ago, my Best of Both Worlds podcast co-host Sarah decided to go on a blogging streak. She posted on The SHU Box …Read More
We managed to fit a lot into what I think was a logistically well-planned weekend. My husband and I went out for Mexican food on …Read More
The forecast Thursday called for gusty winds and thunderstorms all day. The epic elementary school parade moved indoors, meaning non-room parent parents could no longer …Read More
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the "flexible work dilemma." Many mothers — and I'm sure fathers who are the primary or at least …Read More
Evenings with little kids can be tough. Evenings with big kids can be tough! Everyone's tired. With little kids you might be trying to get …Read More