Spend more time on the things that matter, and less on the things that don’t.

Free Time Makeover Guide

Figure out where the time really goes—and where you’d like it to go—so you can spend more time on what matters, and less on what doesn’t.

© Marla Aufmuth/TED

Friday content round-up

Theoretically Fridays are supposed to be my open days, but somehow that didn't happen this week. Oh well. So here's a quick content round-up! Over at …Read More

Teen room organization/decorating

In our old house, my two older boys had been crammed together in a fairly small room. In our new house, they can each have …Read More

Best of Both Worlds podcast: Rest and trading off

There's a certain narrative out there that working mothers of small kids have zero downtime. From a time diary perspective this is not true. However, …Read More

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