Snowy Friday

Well, this has been a week. Moving is stressful. The good news is that the new place is slowly feeling more livable, especially now that our beds and kitchen table have been delivered. A bed is better than an air mattress. A table and chairs are better than the floor. We have a temporary fridge (the real one has yet to arrive…) so we could buy groceries. After doing pancakes and fruit for dinner one night and pasta with plain sauce (and fruit) for dinner the second night it is good to be able to expand the repertoire. Well, some. There is still no oven and won’t be one for a while.

It is also snowing! The new yard is beautiful in the snow and I went for a good stomp around this morning as a break from supervising virtual school. Yep, virtual is back, though just for the weather — the district has been making do even with staff members out for isolation and such. The older kids have done fine with online classes. The 6-year-old has been diving onto my lap and racing off and declaring that he hates zoom and asking what time it is every 7 minutes and so forth. This with a teacher he absolutely loves. I am hoping everyone is back in person next week.

Today should be the last day of the movers – it has been a four day project with packing and loading and transporting. We have furniture coming next week and no doubt a great many hours of unpacking and organizing but I am telling myself that things are improving. And so far the car hasn’t died again, so there’s that! I have walked away from this blog post — this short blog post — half a dozen times to deal with things. So may as well hit publish now.

(Just a quick reminder to sign up for the Time Tracking Challenge if you haven’t! Link is in the last post. If I go look for it I’ll get distracted again and never publish….)



4 thoughts on “Snowy Friday

  1. Congratulations on the new house! If you miss the oven, try one of the countertop Breville Smart Ovens. Friends swear by them and you can just use it as a toaster oven once the “real” oven arrives.

    1. We have an older Breville model that we love. My husband also got me a Kalorik Maxx Air Fryer Oven Grill for Christmas that can cook all kinds of things, so one can make do for awhile without a real oven!

  2. Hang in there, baby steps and mark the improvement each day.

    I went back to work Thursday after 4 months of maternity leave. Day care sent the baby home for a rash, my husband decided to work remote, and then all 3 kids had no school/daycare Friday. So it’s been a week for me too! Hoping for more manageable days next week, but banking on something being “abnormal” after learning from you there are no “normal” weeks!!

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