My little guy turned two today. It was a good day, with a trip to the zoo, cupcakes, and a visit from Grandpa and Grandma.
I had a thought today that, thanks to my time-tracking, I have a record of how I have spent all 17,400-odd hours of his life. Of course, I don’t know how *he* has spent all the hours of his life, but we have spent a reasonable number of those together. It has been a strange two years in many ways, though there have been nice aspects (like having Daddy around for a lot more of those hours than with the older children).
Speaking of the older children…I also had a realization today that when kid #2 turned two I was welcoming another baby. I cannot even fathom that right now. I guess we do crazy things when we’re young.
In any case, it is so fun to watch him figure out language, and how the world works. He was excited to point out an “oc-po-pus” in a book tonight, and he said his own name pointing at himself for one of the first times recently (normally it’s “me” as in “Me did it!”) I can’t wait to see all the fun things he will learn over the next year!
How fun! What a crazy few years indeed – I remember waiting to hear the big announcement on your blog. Can’t believe it has actually been 2 years. Time does fly…and something about kids birthdays really seems to drive that home.
@Elisabeth – I have been very aware of the last two years for sure…and he has changed a lot during them. Even from last Christmas there is a huge difference (of course!)
It’s not too late for a sixth, Laura. I mean, what else is there to do in this damn pandemic?
@omdg – ha, I think at this point I am truly too old!
Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 God bless.
Laura, you have been talking about planning the weekend and even have written a book about it. But I still found it very difficult to plan. When I plan, I feel I ‘have no idea’ what we can do. Then the weekends turned into chasing one small thing and another. Always. I don’t mean planning for out of town one-day trip. That is easy. But planning the “daily” weekend is more challenging. Could it be due to the fact I don’t know what I want to do over the weekend (I do just wanna do ‘nothing’ as I am so tired after a busy week)? Do you have more thoughts how to plan out the weekend?
@Lucy- good question. I think if you don’t know what you want to do it helps to make a list with no pressure. Give yourself a few weeks to come up with a list of things you might do on weekends that you would genuinely enjoy. Can be some in-house stuff and some not-in-house stuff. Stuff solo and stuff with family and stuff with friends. Don’t edit yourself just yet, try to brainstorm. Then challenge yourself to do just one of those things in an upcoming weekend. Nothing huge, but some fun intention. See how it goes. If it’s enjoyable great. If not, try something else the next weekend. It should help build the habit.
My little almost two year old refers to himself as “Bubba” or “you” more often than his own name (the former I totally get, I call him that all the time – the latter cracks me up since I suppose it’s true that when we talk to him we always say “you”!). Happy birthday Henry!
@Jenn- thanks, and exactly! I wasn’t sure what he was saying at first, I thought he was saying “me hungry” but then I realized no, it was “Me Henry!”
I have a Christmas Day baby and it is so important to make them feel like their birthdays are special. People with birthdays in the holidays can feel overlooked. Glad to see your little guy had a great day.