11 thoughts on “Friday miscellany: Incessant pounding

  1. Could you share a little more about the kinds of accounts you set up for your kids? This is great idea but the only reference point I have in my head is the paper-passport kiddie savings account I had at our local bank when I was a kid!

    1. @Carolyn – they are brokerage accounts at Fidelity. So fairly similar to what any other Fidelity customer would open up.

      1. Yes! Brokerages make it easy to open custodial accounts for minors. At least with E-Trade, can see them when logging into your own account, so it’s all super streamlined.

        Ours hold Disney too! Anything to get them interested. Somehow ETFs just don’t inspire the same passion. 😉

  2. I love the idea of reading all the Shakespeare plays throughout the year! It’d be really great if you could share your plan for that. Love the blog and the family photos look beautiful.

  3. This is the first year I have had a hard time thinking of gifts for my four boys age 9-15. My 9yr old is still ok, but the rest??? Some ideas: spike ball, ripstik, roller blades, graphic novels (mine really liked The New Kid), magnetic darts, nerf basketball, electric scooter, led light strips, sculpey clay, board games, pickle ball racquets, favorite sports team gear.

  4. How about an outing for your son and his friends? It took me a while to come to the conclusion that buying stuff just to buy stuff wasn’t that great.

    It’s also never too early to start making a small donation in his name if there is something he believes in. I didn’t think of it until college age for my son. He was volunteering his Friday evenings to a non-profit inner city organization in Oklahoma City and I made a couple donations to them because of that.

    Another thing I learned when he was in college but can be adapted: he studied to be a youth minister and the instructor told me there was a youth ministry conference that has a really low rate for students so they can start making connections. If there is something he likes that has a local class – like programming for games or drawing or anything like that, that would be an idea. Hope this helps.

  5. I hope you will write more about selecting a year-long read again. I’m in a serious reading slump and working out what to do about it.

    1. @Griffin – good question. I really enjoyed reading through W&P at this pace. It’s a book that stands up to it, and the 360-some chapters is really convenient for making it a year-long project. I wanted to do another year-long reading project (well, or I could see 6 months maybe for some books…), but I needed something that I thought would be worthwhile. I have read a number of Shakespeare’s plays in various classes, and I have seen some performed. I also listened to audio performances of them during a filing job I had back in the day. I’ve read a lot of the sonnets. But I’ve never studied all his writings as a unit and since I have a book of all his works, which is about 1000 pages, this seems like a good idea for a year long project. I found an online suggestion of how to read them (google something like Shakespeare 2020 project…) which I could just transfer into 2022.

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