Report on 2018 Mommy Day #4

Yes, it’s only 1 p.m. as I write this, but big days out with 3-year-olds are sometimes short. Anyway, I’ve been doing one-on-one days with each of my kids this summer. I took the 6-year-old to the American Girl Place in New York. I took the 8-year-old to a DefCon1 game/trampoline park. I took the 11-year-old to the beach (and a pinball arcade). Today was the 3-year-old’s turn.

He’d asked about going to the Delaware Children’s Museum, and so I planned to go today, but fortunately looked over the weekend and saw they were closed on Mondays. (I am glad I found this out before driving 45 minutes…) This was going to be a bit of an issue, as I’d purposefully kept Monday open to do his special one-on-one day. Getting another day open (or at least open through 1 p.m. quiet time) this week was going to be tricky. Also, he knew Monday was his special day, and suddenly postponing it to, say, Friday, might not have gone over well.

So…I asked what he wanted to do, noting that the Please Touch Museum here in Philadelphia would be open. He immediately agreed to that. So we went.

It was fine. I’ve been there dozens of times, and so has he. He needs to be watched pretty closely, as his attitude toward other children sometimes appears to be that it’s his world, and they’re just living in it. Also, he climbs on everything, including a lot of stuff that is definitely not intended for climbing.

But we still had fun eating lunch together, and chatting in the car. On the drive home, he said “You better hurry, because I’m going to fall asleep.” Sure enough, he did! (Though now he seems to be up again, so I’m going to go check on that…)


5 thoughts on “Report on 2018 Mommy Day #4

  1. I was looking forward to hearing what your little one’s day would be like. This was great. I laughed out loud. I knew from the day (night) when he came unexpectedly and in a hurry that he was going to be fun–and challenging!

    1. @Mom – he seemed to enjoy himself – and we went in the pool together in the afternoon, so that was fun too.

  2. Sounds fun! I want a “mommy day”, where I decide what to do and no one questions me, they just go ahead and plan everything out. And then I get to fall asleep and then play in the pool? Bingo. Add a margarita and it’s golden.

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