Reader stories: Discovering a whole new hour

This story comes from reader Rosie Gorrell, 60:

I have been working full-time my whole adult life and have never wanted to get out of bed in the morning. After so many years of doing it though, I knew exactly how many minutes it took me to do just what I needed to do to get to work on time.  All of that changed two years ago when I admitted that I had a burning desire to learn to play the bass.  I had never played a stringed instrument before (mainly because I had convinced myself that I didn’t have time) and I felt as if time was running out.  I was 58 at the time and decided it was now or never.

I changed the setting on my alarm clock from 6:45 to 5:30.  (First I bought a bass!) And I discovered a whole hour and 15 minutes EVERY DAY that I had wasted for the last 40 years!  I accomplished so much in that time that I scooted that wake up call back to 5:00.  Some mornings I wake up before the alarm and instead of covering my head with my pillow and groaning I just go ahead and get up.  I am happy to say that I now consider myself to be a bass player.  I have also started writing and singing my songs at local venues…..and I just turned 60 years old.  Proof that it is never too late to make up time you thought was wasted!

I absolutely love that story. What do you do #beforebreakfast to start your day right?

Also in the news:

6 thoughts on “Reader stories: Discovering a whole new hour

  1. Hi Laura – I just downloaded the Kindle app to my PC and purchased the e-book! I’m going to read it during my commute tomorrow (don’t worry – I won’t be driving!). Wanted to let other readers know that getting the Kindle app was easy and free, and the whole process took no more than 5 minutes (that includes paying for the book!). How’s that for time management?

    Anyway, I like the story above but really have no desire to wake up at 5 am. I think if you manage your time right, you really don’t have to. I’m never going to want to do that, but I do want to wake up a bit earlier and make the time I have in the mornings more effective…Will let you know what I think of the book, but based on my experience on 168 Hours, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

    1. @Rinna – I’m not up at 5 a.m. either. But I am trying to make my mornings more effective, whatever time they start! Thanks for letting everyone know about the Kindle app. If you don’t have an e-reader, you can still read this book!

  2. Your “Success Before Breakfast” e-book looks like just what I need to get me going. I have my own life coaching/retreat business plus two part-time jobs and am terrible w/ time management. However, I don’t have a kindle or nook. Is there any other way to get the e-book? Thanks very much.

    1. @Sri- it’s available for kindle, nook, ipad – just go to wherever you usually order books and type in the name. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!

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