Spend more time on the things that matter, and less on the things that don’t.

Free Time Makeover Guide

Figure out where the time really goes—and where you’d like it to go—so you can spend more time on what matters, and less on what doesn’t.

© Marla Aufmuth/TED

I need a book to read….(plus sonnet)

I'm a bit off my reading game lately. I don't feel like tackling anything too hefty. Lately I've been going to my local library and …Read More

Best of Both Worlds podcast: Raising financial grown-ups with Bobbi Rebell

When did you become a "financial grown-up?" There are lots of potential markers (opening a retirement account...buying a house...negotiating a raise...) but most of us …Read More

Weekend: Cherry trees and tulips

We had a few people over Friday night, and I was hoping that the row of Kwanzan cherry trees in my yard would be blooming …Read More

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