Weekend: Long run, apples, mixed feelings
On paper (and in the photos!) this weekend looks like a lot of fun early fall festivities. My husband and I went to Longwood Gardens …Read More
On paper (and in the photos!) this weekend looks like a lot of fun early fall festivities. My husband and I went to Longwood Gardens …Read More
I had planned to publish a blog post Monday with photos from an amazing trip to Scotland. Longtime readers know I often like to do …Read More
People often speak of long weekends as "relaxing." But if you have little kids, you know that they are often anything but! In this week's episode …Read More
Today’s blog post is just a hodge podge…Over the weekend my husband and I took our two older boys out for their celebratory dinners (for …Read More
We briefly had four kids at home, but now it's back down to three. The 17-year-old came home late Friday night. He likes his room! …Read More
Maybe one of these days we'll get a slow news weekend... In the meantime, this was a good summer weekend in my household (and my 12-year-old …Read More
In my umpteen years of blogging, I think I've written a post about how "long weekends with small children are not relaxing" many times. The …Read More
The weather was more cooperative this weekend, so most of our weekend plans actually happened! A definite highlight: Running the Philadelphia Zoo 5k with my 15-year-old …Read More