This is the way the world ends

The Mayans were quite an advanced civilization. They had agriculture, written language and, as we’ve been learning in story after story this week, a calendar. …Read More

Long weekend highlights

I'm gearing up for the launch of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend on December 31. In the meantime, I'm trying to …Read More

October 1964

I head to our local library most Tuesday nights -- for a change of scenery, and to get a little more work done. My treat …Read More

The accidental pioneer woman

The last few days have been a bit challenging. We got hit by Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy and while I'm grateful that the house didn't sustain any …Read More

Next year’s performance review

In my speeches on time management, I suggest an exercise to get people thinking about their medium-term goals. Many people get an end-of-year performance review. …Read More