Unfinished business

My review of Anne-Marie Slaughter’s new book, Unfinished Business, ran in today’s Wall Street Journal. (If you are not a WSJ subscriber, you can try …Read More

A week at a glance

Long time readers know I have been recording my time continuously for the last 5 months. It's been fascinating (for me at least) to see …Read More

When is time wasted?

Despite a major newspaper calling me a “stone-cold time-maximizing genius,” I must admit that I waste a lot of time. I’ve been recording my time continuously …Read More

Another day in the life post

I have been tracking my time for 3 months now. In the comments on yesterday’s post, SHU asked if this accountability affected how much time …Read More

168 hours on vacation

When people offer to send me their time logs, they generally want to show me a “typical” week. This tends to mean a full work …Read More