Make time to journal

On September 11, 2001, I was about three months into a year-long post-college internship at USA Today's editorial page. I remember the amazingly clear blue …Read More

Just killing time

A few years ago, I embarked on a project of reading many classic books. I soon noticed something. Books like Moby Dick felt almost...purposefully lengthy. …Read More

Adventures in homeschooling

It was bound to happen eventually. After one closure for cleaning, and a few half days for teachers to figure out remote work plans, Pennsylvania's …Read More

Every room, every day

Years ago, while writing All the Money in the World,* I got a chance to interview architect Sarah Susanka. She's best-known for the "not-so-big house" …Read More

Mornings around here

When I began writing about time management many years ago, I soon learned that people are not equally interested in all hours of the day. …Read More