Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.
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Podcast: Manoush Zomorodi on tech, parenting, and a changing world
Sarah and I both read Manoush Zomorodi's Bored and Brilliant book last year and discussed it on the podcast. So it seemed like a great …Read More
Podcast: Eat at home tonight, with Tiffany King
The Best of Both Worlds podcast is almost a year old! We just released our 50th episode. Back in the fall, Sarah and I did …Read More
Podcast: Heidi Grant on asking for help
A major theme of the Best of Both Worlds podcast is that martyrdom is overrated. Part of avoiding martyrdom is asking for help from various …Read More
Podcast: On mom guilt
If you read much literature on women, work and life -- and I confess that I do -- the topic of guilt comes up a …Read More
Podcast: 2018 goals update, and what to do before having kids
Sarah and I are both big goal setters. We love setting resolutions around New Year's, and we have rather elaborate rubrics for them. This week's …Read More
Podcast: Navigating corporate life (with a new baby!) with Parita Kuttappan
The Best of Both Worlds podcast is all about combining work and life. While some of our guests are authors or experts, we aim to …Read More
Podcast: Superficial things episode
One of the best "pro tips" I have for surviving working parenthood is to plan for things to go wrong. If Plan A falls through, …Read More
Podcast: Tonya Dalton on building a family business
Anyone who's listened to Best of Both Worlds knows that Sarah and I are both into planning. Sarah in particular is a big fan of …Read More
Podcast: Off the Clock discussion
All podcast episodes get their own posts, so even though I already blogged today, here we go! In this episode, Sarah and I talk about …Read More
Podcast: Getting through challenging times
This week's podcast was a bit of a catch-up. Sarah and I were originally going to talk about her planning make-overs (which might become the …Read More